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For Culture, For Community 

ASC Legal Redress is in place to address civil rights violations for any citizen.  Our goal is to make sure the system is working for you, not against you. If you feel you have experienced a civil rights violation, please contact us with your concerns, we can only accept and review written complaints.

Your written complaint will be processed and reviewed by the Legal  Redress team, who will determine if your complaint meets the criteria of a civil rights complaint. If your case does meet the criteria, appropriate action will be taken to move your case towards a satisfactory outcome.

Your case may also be directed to the nearest local NAACP  branch.  You MUST submit the COMPLAINT FORMS. There is a 9-step process. Please read those steps and follow the submission instructions.

Disclaimer. Our legal redress team members are not attorneys. Should you need an attorney, recommendations may be supplied to you or you will find your own representation.


If there are any questions, contact Rizelle Aaron, ASC NAACP Legal Redress Chairman

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